Base Color Simple diffuse color that will be used for the majority of the clay surface. Feel free to plug an image texture here.
Global Texture Scale Controls the size (Scale) of all textures combined.
Smaller values = Big fingerprints, cracks, stones, etc. Bigger values = Small fingerprints, cracks, stones, etc.
0 = No Displacement, surface is exactly like the original mesh 1 = Full Displacement, bulgy clay with deep cracks and finger impressions
NOTE: Displacement is a Blender feature exclusive to Cycles. It deforms the actual mesh, unlike Normal and Bump. When used with Eevee, Displacement will have a Bump like effect.
0.5 = Middle value Any lower values will cause the surfaces to be pushed inwards. Any higher values will push the surfaces outwards.
Try changing this value if your model looks inflated/ deflated or is coinciding with itself.
0 = Shiny wet clay ~.3 = Play dough/ Plasticine ~.6 = Terracotta/ Ceramic clay 1 = Roughest clay on the planet
This setting is for Cycles only. Turn it down to 0 if you are using Eevee.
Fresnel Color This color/ texture will appear on outer edges and parts of surfaces facing away from the camera/ viewer. Only works when using Fresnel (8.)
Fresnel Decides the amount of area covered on the edges by the Fresnel Color (7.)
Looking for Claymation-style animation? Keyframe this Seed value whenever your 3D model moves. Now select all keyframes in the Timeline, right-click on them and change the ‘Interpolation’ to ‘Constant’.
0 = Object Mapping 1 = UV Mapping
Object Mapping means that textures are automatically being projected from all 6 sides. No need for UV unwrapping. To be used for non-animated meshes.
UV Mapping uses the mesh’s UV Map to map textures. Make sure your model has been UV unwrapped to use this feature. Now the textures will "stick" to the mesh surface of animated models.
Keep the value fixed at 0 or 1, nothing else in between.