(Blender 3.6.2+)

The Clay Text tool works with all fonts and languages supported by Blender.

  1. Make sure you have added a Clay Doh asset library. Not sure how? See this.

  2. Open an Asset Browser window. Click on the drop-down button at the top-left corner and select Clay Doh.

  3. The collection is divided into 3 catalogs. Use the arrow icon to toggle/ expand. What we are interested in is the ‘Geo Nodes’ catalog, which contains two assets, ‘Clay Shape GN’ and ‘Clay Text GN’.

  4. Before adding ‘Clay Text GN’, make sure that you have selected your object, added a Geometry Nodes modifier to it and selected the modifier (blue outline) as well.


  5. Now drag-n-drop the ‘Clay Text GN’ asset from the Asset Browser to the Geometry Nodes window. Select the node that you just dropped, right-click on it and select Ungroup.

  6. Finally, delete the ‘Group Input’ node and connect the ‘Geometry’ output from the ‘Clay Text Node’ to the ‘Geometry’ input of the ‘Group Output’ node.

“String to Curves” parameters:

  1. 'F’ button: The fonts present in your .BLEND file can be accessed and selected from here. To add more fonts, click on the Folder button next to it.

For the Text demo, I have been using the font called 'Best School'. It is not included with Clay Doh as I am not allowed to repackage or redistribute it. It can be downloaded here (for personal use): https://www.dafont.com/best-school.font

  1. Overflow: Click on the drop-down button to see the overflow options

Overflow allows the text to use more space than the specified height. The width of the output is still constrained by the Max Width input though.

Scale To Fit scales the text size to fit the width and height.

Truncate only outputs text characters that fit within the width and height, based on the Size input. Any part of the string that did not fit is moved to the Remainder output.

  1. Align X (Center by default): Aligns the text on the X axis (left-right).

Left: Aligns the text to the left.

**Center:** Aligns the text to the center.

**Right:** Aligns the text to the right.

**Justify:** Aligns the text to the left and right.

**Flush:** Aligns the text to the left and right with equal character spacing.
  1. Align Y (Bottom Baseline by default): Aligns the text on the Y axis (up-down).

Top Baseline: Aligns the text to the top baseline.

**Top:** Aligns the text to the top.

**Middle:** Aligns the text to the middle.

**Bottom Baseline:** Aligns the text to the bottom baseline.

**Bottom:** Aligns the text to the bottom.
  1. Pivot Point: Controls where on each character the output Pivot Point is placed.

Midpoint: Place the pivot points at the center of each character’s bounds.

**Top Left:** Place the pivot points at the top left of each character’s bounds.

**Top Center:** Place the pivot points at the middle of the top of each character’s bounds.

**Top Right:** Place the pivot points at the top right of each character’s bounds.

**Bottom Left:** Place the pivot points at the bottom left of each character’s bounds.

**Bottom Center:** Place the pivot points at the middle of the bottom of each character’s bounds.

**Bottom Right:** Place the pivot points at the bottom right of each character’s bounds.
  1. String: Click on this field and enter the text that you want to turn into Clay. The text can be typed on your keyboard or copy-pasted from another source.

  2. Size: The size of each character. (Different from the object’s Scale)

”Scaling” the text via this parameter will respect the Clay Doh shader’s Scale.

A small ‘Size’ value will make the text look like it was made with very small pieces of clay by tiny hands. A large ‘Size’ value will make the text look like it was made by huge chunks of clay, with lots of normal-sized hands.

  1. Character Spacing: Controls the distance between characters from the text.

A factor by which the space between each character (kerning) is scaled on the X axis.

  1. Words Spacing: Controls the distance between words from the text.

A factor by which whitespace between words is scaled on the X axis.

  1. Line Spacing: Controls the distance between lines from the text.

The distance between separate lines in the output. Scaled by the Size  input.